In one of the largest competitions of its kind, marketing agency Blue Door Consulting earned 11 Communicator Awards. The agency competed internationally against approximately 5,000 submissions in a variety of categories.
The awards, sponsored by the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts, recognize high-impact work that demonstrates innovation, excellence and effectiveness. Honors are chosen by top-tier professionals across communication fields. The Oshkosh-based Blue Door Consulting received three Awards of Excellence, the highest distinction, along with eight Awards of Distinction.
“We are so grateful for strong client partnerships that enable us to do excellent work,” Co-founder/Consultant Heidi Strand said. “These awards demonstrate our commitment to collaboration and creativity to drive results.”
Awards of Excellence were earned in the marketing and communication category for website copywriting, self-promotion video and packaging design. Awards of Distinction were received in categories for marketing and communication, B2B marketing and communication, strategic marketing achievement and integrated and experiential marketing campaign.
“It is an honor to be recognized by our peers in these categories,” Co-founder/Consultant Brenda Haines said. “We will continue to push ourselves to create impactful work that gets results for our clients.”
Blue Door Consulting earned Awards of Excellence for:
- Alliance Huebsch “Looking Good in Green” Landing Page
- Alliance UniMac Superhero “Movie Trailer”
- Midwest Carriers Promotional Gift Box

Awards of Distinction were presented for:
- Alliance Huebsch “Looking Good in Green” Landing Page
- Alliance UniLinc Touch Landing Page
- Apex Leaders Branding
- Boldt Website
- Central Waters Brewing Milwaukee Bucks Promotion Landing Page
- Midwest Carriers Lifest Video
- Paine Art Center Nature of Light Digital Campaign
- Werner Electric Green Bay Packaging Testimonial

About the Communicator Awards
The Communicator Awards is one of the largest and most competitive international awards programs honoring creative excellence in marketing and communications. For more information on these prestigious awards, or to see a complete listing of winners, visit