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Joel Haase Portrait

Joel Haase


Developer, Empathy, Futuristic, Includer, Individualization

More About Joel

As far back as I can recall, I’ve always loved creating things—whether it be drawing cartoons of Days of Our Lives episodes with characters as fish or building all-inclusive cabin resorts out of Lincoln Logs®. All that set the stage for my future role as a graphic designer. I grew to love telling stories that make an emotional connection through clever words and visuals. The great thing about being a designer is that you get the opportunity to inject your personality and unique aesthetic into your work as the vehicle for an intended message. My mind is constantly absorbing sights and sounds from out in the world—transforming them into graphic elements, headlines and color palettes that are then stored in my brain’s library for later use.

Over the years, I’ve worked at agencies in the Fox Valley and Green Bay areas, learning from and networking with very talented individuals that made me who I am today. I’ve worked within the print and digital realms with a passion for illustration and expanding into motion graphics. Outside of my job, you can find me binging movies and shows, illustrating random pop culture or original characters, playing fetch with my border collie, exploring the outdoors, listening to music and attending concerts, and goofing around with my two teenagers. I have a hard time sitting still, so I’m always on the prowl for the next creative endeavor.

“Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort." — Peter McWilliams

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